Introduction articles | Gendlin’s major writing on therapy | Enfoque artículos en español | Articles by Therapists in Training | Art Therapy | Couples’ Therapy | Medicine and Medical Settings | Supervision | Brief Therapy | Existential Psychotherapy | Mindfulness & Spirituality in Focusing Therapy | Relational Therapy | Bibliography on FOT articles 2011-2014
Audio Recordings of Eugene Gendlin
March 29th 2008, New York City
Philosophy of the Implicit in Psychotherapy. One-day conference
This one-day conference was organised and hosted by Lynn Preston, Rob Parker, and the Relational Psychoanalysis Group in NYC. The event included brief talks by Lynn and Rob and a full morning and afternoon session with Gene Gendlin. These audio files do not have very good sound quality but with careful listening most of the words can be made out. These recordings are offered here, unedited, in order to share some of the sense of the atmosphere in the auditorium that day and to hear some of the interesting things that were said.
Audio Files
Q & A with Gene Gendlin
You will need Quicktime, Realplayer, or Windows Media players in order to hear the files. For most of you these players are probably already on your computers but if not, simply search for the player names and you will find a free download page.
Articles on Focusing-Oriented Therapy
General Introductions to Focusing-Oriented Therapy
Klagsbrun, Joan & Lynn, Preston (2105) ‘Don’t go it alone’. Psychotherapy Networker. May/June. [PDF]
Afford, Peter ‘Reflections on Being (Some Sort of) a ‘Focusing-Oriented’ Therapist‘ [PDF]
Friedman, Neil ‘Eugene Gendlin’s Approach to Psychotherapy: An Awareness of “Experiencing”‘ [PDF]
Hendricks-Gendlin, Marion H. ‘An Experiential Version of Unconditional Positive Regard‘ [PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan & Friedman, Neil ‘Hallmarks of Focusing-oriented Therapy‘ [PDF]
Joan Klagsbrun (2014) River of Knowing: A Journey with Focusing. In Inner Dialogue in Daily Life. Charles Eigen (ed.) Jessica Kingsley P. [PDF]
Lavender, Joan. A series of blog posts from Goodtherapy.com on Focusing Therapy and the philosophy of Eugene Gendlin applied to therapy. [PDF]
McGuire-Bouwman, Kathleen ‘”Caring Confrontation” in Experiential Psychotherapy‘ [PDF]
Richards, Stanley (upcoming) ‘Cultures of Psychology’, from a book in process called Openings – In Person-Centred Therapy. This is an excerpt from one chapter in the upcoming book. [PDF]
Strohl, James ‘What is Focusing and Focusing-Oriented Therapy?‘ [PDF]
Major Articles by Eugene Gendlin
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method, by Eugene T. Gendlin, Chapters 2 & 3 from Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method, The Guilford Press. 1996 [PDF]
The Experiential Response, Eugene T. Gendlin, Book chapter 26 in Use of Interpretation in Treatment, Grune and Stratton, Inc. 1968 [PDF]
The client’s client : the edge of awareness. Eugene T. Gendlin, In R.L. Levant & J.M. Shlien (Eds.), Client-centered therapy and the person-centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New York : Praeger. 1984 [PDF]
A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism:The Significance of the Awareness Movement, Eugene T. Gendlin, Chapter in D.M. Levin (Ed.), Pathologies of the modern self. Postmodern studies on narcissism, schizophrenia, and depression, pp. 251-304. New York : New York University Press. 1987. [PDF]
A Theory of Personality Change, Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph.D. University of Chicago, Chapter four in: Personality Change, Philip Worchel & Donn Byrne (Eds.), New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1964 [PDF]
The Focusing Institute has available an impressive generous collection of all Eugene Gendlin’s Published Papers
Enfoque Artículos en Español
Proceso Frágil, Warner, Margaret S., PhD. “Fragile Process” fue publicado en “New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy: Practice with Difficult Client Populations”, Ed. Lois Fusek, Monograph Series 1, Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center. 1991 [PDF]
Cómo Utilizar Diversas Técnicas en la Psicoterapia Centrada en la Persona, López, Salvador Moreno, In Revista Electrónica de Psicologia Iztacala, 1998 [PDF]
La Supervision Centrada En La Persona Desde Un Enfoque Experiencial. López, Salvador Moreno. Psicologia Iberoamericana. 1999 Vol. 7 (2).
La escucha experiencial en el proceso psicoterapéutico: Reflexiones y aprendizajes desde un caso clínico, Larios Aguilar, Roberto Javier, Departamento De Salud Psicología Y Comunidad, Maestria En Psicoterapia, Tlaquepaoue, Jalisco, 2009 [PDF]
Los Microprocesos del Focusing, Mia Leijssen, Ph.D., “Focusing Microprocesses”, en “Experiential Psychotherapy”. Guildford Press (1998). Revisado por Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, y Germain Lietaer. [PDF]
La Respuesta Experiencial, por Gendlin, E. T. PhD., “The Experiential Response” En “Use of Interpretation in Treatment”, Capítulo 26, pp. 208-227. 1968 [PDF]
La Sensación con Sentido, Sobre la traducción al español de la expresión “felt sense” (‘sensación sentida’) de la Teoría del Experiencing de Gendlin. Robles Campos, Luis 2006 [PDF]
Integrando La Experiencia Espiritual En Psicoterapia, Hinterkopf, Elfie, Ph.D., Journal of American Counseling Association, 1998 [PDF]
Focusing Experiencial A Través Del Dibujo, Mia Leijssen, Ph.D. (*) “Experiential Focusing Through Drawing”, The Folio: A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, Volume 11, Nº3, , pp. 35-40, 1992 [PDF]
Focusing y Arte-Terapia, Rappaport, Laury, The Focusing Connection Vol. V, No. 3, May, 1988 [PDF]
Focusing y la Critica Interna, Hinterkopf, Elfie, Ph.D. “Focusing and The Inner Crítica”, Capítulo 6, “Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: A Manual For Using The Experiential Focusing Method” American Counseling Association, 1998. [PDF]
Dolor Físico Crónico, ¿Tu cuerpo Sabe la Respuesta? Müeller, Dieter and Feuerstein, Heinz-Joachim, “Cronic Physical Pain: Your body knows the answer?”, en “The Folio: A Journal For Focusing and Experiential Therapy – Focusing and Medicine”,Volume 18, Nº 1, . pp. 96-107, 1999 [PDF]
Un Enfoque Experiencial en Terapia de Parejas, Amodeo, John, Ph.D. (Traducción Carolina Preve) Publicado originalmente en el Journal of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, [Journal de terapias del enfoque centrado en la persona y Experienciales], Volumen 6, Número 3. [PDF]
El uso del Focusing como herramienta para el tratamiento de adictos en recuperación en un programa de doce pasos. Una práctica en Costa Rica Recovery Center. James Doga Noel (Proyecto de Graduación para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Psicología) [PDF]
Course Papers & Dissertations by FOT students
The Wider Body (2008). Kamaljit Kaur Inman-Bates. St Stephens College, Edmonton, Canada. FOT Psychology Independent Studies course. [PDF]
Theories, Experiencing, and ‘Knowing’. An Encounter with Focusing-Oriented Therapy (2011). Holly Slavik. St Stephen’s College, Edmonton, Canada. Intensive FOT course August 2011. [PDF]
The Importance of Attitude in Focusing and Focusing Oriented Therapy (2011). Heather Scott. St Stephen’s College, Edmonton, Canada. Intensive FOT course August 2011. [PDF]
Sensing Into Spirit: Focusing on Presence in Hospital Chaplaincy (2011). Molly Chu. St Stephen’s College, Edmonton, Canada. Intensive FOT course August 2011. [PDF]
Thinking at the Edge (TAE): Process-Theory and Practice (2011) Aglaia Mastrokalou. Hellenic Focusing Centre, Athens, Greece (part fulfilment of MA in FOT and PCA). [PDF]
Focusing Oriented Process in Spiritual Care (2012). Emiline Peña. St Stephen’s College, Edmonton, Canada. Intensive FOT course August 2011. [PDF]
Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy
Rappaport, Laury (1993) Focusing with art and creative moment: A method for stress management. The Focusing Connection, Vol.X (No.2) March. [PDF]
Rappaport, Laury (1998) Focusing and Art Therapy: Tools for working through post-traumatic stress disorder. Focusing Folio. Vol. 17 (No. 1). [PDF]
Rappaport, Laury (2006) What is Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy? [PDF]
Rappaport, Laury (2006) What is Focusing-Oriented Expressive Art Therapy? [PDF]
Rappaport, Laury (2009) Clearing A Space: Expressing the Wholeness Within Using Art. Excerpt from Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy. Jessica Kingsley Publ. London. [PDF]
Rappaport (2010). Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy: Working with Trauma. Journal of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 9 (2), 128-143. [PDF]
Focusing-Oriented Couples Therapy
Amodeo, John (2007) A Focusing-Oriented Approach to Couples’ Therapy. [PDF]
Focusing in Medicine and Medical Settings
Katonah, Doralee Grindler (1991) Focusing: An Adjunct Treatment for Adaptive Recovery from Cancer. Doctoral research project. The Illinois School of Professional Psychology.[PDF]
Katonah, Doralee Grindler (1999) Felt-Sense and Cognitive Function. The Folio, Volume 18 (No. 1). [PDF]
Katonah, Doralee Grindler (1999) Focusing and Medical Decision-Making. Presented at the 6th International Congress on Cancer, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.[PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan (1999) ‘Focusing, Illness, and Health Care’. The Folio, 18.1: The Focusing Institute [PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan (2001) Listening and Focusing: Holistic Health Care Tools for Nurses. Published in: Nursing Clinics of North America, Volume 36 (No. 1). [PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan (2007) Transforming Fear: What we can learn from some people with cancer. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy. Vol. 20.1 [PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan (2010) Effect of “Clearing a Space” on Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer. USAPBJ.Vol. 9(2): 48-53. [PDF]
Klagsbrun, Joan (2014) The Body Knows the Way: Working with Clients Facing Illness and Dying-chapter in Emerging Practice in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy JKP [PDF]
McGuire-Bouwman, Kathleen. Medical Change Events Through Experiential Focusing [PDF]
Supervision for Focusing-Oriented Therapy
Madison, Greg (2004) ‘Focusing-Oriented Supervision’ in Freedom to Practice. K. Tudor and M. Worrall, Eds. London: PCCS Books [PDF]
McGuire-Bouwman, Kathleen. Psychotherapy Training Through Peer Counseling [PDF]
Focusing-Oriented Brief Therapy
Jaison, Bala. Integrating Experiential and Brief Therapy. An Introduction to the SOFT (Solution-Oriented Focusing Therapy) Approach. [PDF]
McGuire-Bouwman, Kathleen. Experiential Focusing as a Brief Therapy Intervention. [PDF]
Focusing-Oriented Existential Psychotherapy
Madison, Greg (2001) Focusing, Intersubjectivity, and Therapeutic Intersubjectivity. Rev. of Exist. Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol.XXVI, No.1: 3-16 [PDF]
Madison, Greg (2003) ‘Focusing as Therapy for the Therapist’ in The Focusing Connection, November: 1-2 [PDF]
Madison, Greg (2014) The Palpable in Existential Counselling Psychology. Counselling Psychology Review, Vol. 29 (No. 2) June. [PDF]
McGuire, Kathy (1981, rev. 2006) Existential/Phenomenology: A Philosophy Articulating The Feminine Experience. Presented at Association for Women In Psychology, Boston, MA 1981, revised 2006. [PDF]
Todres, Les (2005) The Full World of the Emotions. Emotional Processing Site: www.emotionalprocessing.org.uk/ [PDF]
Mindfulness and Spirituality in Focusing Therapy
Klagsbrun, Joan (2015) Opening Doors to the Spiritual in Psychotherapy. The Folio. A Journal of Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy. Vol. 6 (1). [PDF]
Karin Bundschuh-Müller. It is what it is, says love …“ Mindfulness and acceptance in person-centred and experiential psychotherapy. [PDF]
Focusing-Oriented Relational Therapy
Lavender, Joan (1992) Winnicott’s mindpsyche and its treatment. American Journal of Dance Therapy, Vol 14 (1): 31-9 [PDF]
Lavender, Joan (1997) The Phenomenology of the Relational Void: Probabilities and Possibilities. [PDF]
Preston, Lynn (2005) Two Interwoven Miracles. The Relational Dimension of Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy. [PDF]
Preston, Lynn (2006) The Edge of Awareness: Gendlin’s Contribution to Explorations of the Implicit. [PDF]
Preston, Lynn (2009) Everything Is a Problem for the Big Blue Sea on the Big Green Couch: A Focusing Oriented Approach. (published in Studies in Gestalt Therapy Vol. 3(2)) [PDF]
Bibliography on FOT articles 2011-2014
Publications on Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy (2011-2014) Compiled by: Doralee Grindler Katonah, PhD. [PDF]