Ms. Yolanda Bernárdez


Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

I am a psychologist psychotherapist. In Madrid, Spain. I would like to deepen to include the gender perspective in psychotherapy.

I have also worked in development cooperation and it is a field that continues to attract me


Office 1: Madrid (Spain)


Public Contact Details:

telephone: + 34 610466208



Languages: Spanish and English

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:


Academic and training qualifications:

Psychologist psychotherapist
Gender specialist
Development cooperation


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Couple/Relationship therapy
o  Conflict Mediation
o  Online/Skype sessions
o  Group or family therapy

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

Development cooperation


o I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o I offer individual sessions for people to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o  Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors

Details of these and any other services:

I am also teacher in one University Master


Recent Publications (5 years or less):