Dr Siebrecht Vanhooren


Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated and intrigued by the essence of life and the interplay between our thoughts, feelings, interactions and our purpose in life. It is not a coincidence that my personal path led me to study psychology and that I specialized in person-centered, existential and focusing-oriented psychotherapy. Focusing helps us to reconnect with our our deeper bodily wisdom when we search for meaning and purpose in life. Focusing helps us to contact our inner guide when we feel lost and scared. Focusing helps us to heal and nurture parts of ourselves that need special care and to find new ways to engage with ourselves, with the others,the world and the Sacred.


Office 1: G. Gezellelaan 23, 8210 Loppem Belgium

Office 2: International/Skype

Public Contact Details:

website: http://www.siebrechtvanhooren.be/

email: siebrechtvanhooren@gmail.com

Languages: Nederlands, English

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

Registered Clinical Psychologist in Belgium (License Number: 741104129)
Member of the Flemish Association of Person-centered and experiential psychotherapy and counseling (VVCEPC)
Member of the Flemisch Association of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP)
Member of the Belgian Psychologists (BFP)

Member of the World Association for Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling (WAPCEPC)

Academic and training qualifications:

Master Clinical Psychology (University of Ghent, 1992 -1997)
Person-centered and experiential Psychotherapy (Faculteit voor Mens en Samenleving, 2001-2005)
Existential Psychotherapy (Faculteit voor Mens en Samenleving, 2007)
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy (The Focusing Institute, New York, 2010)
Doctorate Clinical Psychology (University of Leuven, 2012 – 2015)


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Focusing-Oriented Coaching
o  Online/Skype sessions

Areas of special interest or advanced training:


o I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)

o  Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors

Details of these and any other services:


Recent Publications (5 years or less):

Vanhooren, S., Leijssen, M., & Dezutter, J. (2015). Posttraumatic growth during incarceration: A case study from an experiential-existential perspective. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0022167815621647

Vanhooren, S. (2014). De moed om niet te weten, het lef om niet te kunnen. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 52, 2, 100-115.

Vanhooren, S. (2013). Zingeving, spiritualiteit en posttraumatische groei. Eerste stappen in een breed veld. Tijdschrift Cliëntgerichte Psychotherapie, 51, 3, 213-225.

Vanhooren, S. (2010). Contact met de leegte. In: M. Gundrum & N. Stinckens (red.). De schatkist van de therapeut (p. 62-64). Leuven/Den Haag: Acco.