Monika Gos


Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

My way of working is rooted in the belief that every person has the inner capacity for growth and healing. Deep attunement to a person’s inner experience opens the doors to the depths of self and to life changing steps.
In addition to my private practice I work in a non-profit organisation where I am responsible for the counselling department.

Sposób, w jaki pracuję z klientem ma swoje korzenie w przekonaniu, że każda osoba ma potencjał do rozwoju i samo-uzdrowienia.
Dogłębne dostrojenie się i odzwierciedlenie subiektywnego doświadczenia klienta, otwiera drzwi do głębokich warstw osobowości i rdzenia self.
To z kolei daje podstawę oraz początek życiowych zmian.

Oprócz posiadania prywatnej praktyki psychoterapeutycznej, pracuje w organizacji zajmującej się leczeniem uzależnień, w której jestem odpowiedzialna za wydział psychoterapii.


Office 1: London. W1M

Office 2: International via video technology

Public Contact Details:

telephone: 0741 800 4343


Languages: English/Polish

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

Clinical and Counselling Psychologist registered with HCPC – Health and Care Professions Council, UK
BPS – British Psychological Society Chartered Psychologist
BDP – Der Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen

Academic and training qualifications:

M.A. in Clinical Psychology – A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
Certified Practitioner of NLP – Neuro-linguistic Programming, Berlin, Germany
Postgraduate Training in Gestalt Therapy, Poznan, Poland
Postgraduate Training in Relational Psychoanalysis, NY, USA
Core Energetics Practitioner, NY, USA
Training in Focusing Oriented Relational Psychotherapy, NY, USA
EMDR Practitioner, London, UK
Brainspotting Trainer


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Couple/Relationship therapy
o  Online/Skype sessions
o  Telephone sessions
o  Group or family therapy

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

Trauma – early and complex trauma
Attachment issues – relationship with others and with ourselves
Life transitions
Performance enhancement


o I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o I offer individual sessions for people to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o  Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors

Details of these and any other services:



Recent Publications (5 years or less):