Marie Sherry McDonald

Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator

Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

Helping to empower clients to accomplish their developmental tasks, life tasks and spiritual tasks.

My philosophy is based on humans being embodied in time and in our body so we can experience our environment. We humans are thrust (borne) into an a priori world which influences our life a great deal and this time exposes us to develop caring practices, spiritual practices, and an understanding of our world. We are also embodied humans giving us the ability to listen to our bodies and shift into any number of possibilities (McDonald, 2012).


Office 1: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Office 2: Online

Public Contact Details:

telephone: 306-229-3497



Languages: English

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

Certifying Coordinator for the International Focusing Institute, Registered Nurse, Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Academic and training qualifications:


1984: Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Edmonton, Alberta

2012: Master of Psychotherapy and Spirituality

2005:Continuing Education Credits for the National Board-Certified Counsellor, Certificate of Completion: Relationship: Spiritus, Shamans & Responsibility: You, Me and the Gods of our Parallel Worlds. Process Work Centre of Portland, USA

2002: Certificate of Studies: Process Work Training Group of Vancouver: Langara College, Vancouver, B. C.

​1994: Gerontological Nursing Program: Certificate with Distinction: Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta

1990: Validation Therapist: Validation Training Institute, Cleveland, Ohio


2021:Year Long Dream Process Work Using the Focusing Oriented Approach – in Progress

2020: International Focusing Institute Coordinator: The International Focusing Institute

2012: Thinking at the Edge Training Program: Level 1 and 2: TAE Teacher: The International Focusing Institute Coordinator

2010: Focusing-Oriented Therapy in Complex Trauma & Post Traumatic Stress using the Medicine Wheel: The International Focusing Institute

2009: Focusing-Oriented Therapy Certification: International Focusing Institute

2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018: Treasure Maps to the Soul 6-day Residential Workshop: FOCUSING RESOURCES

2009: 2-DAY Suicide Intervention Workshop: The Edmonton Support Network

2008:Saskatchewan Institute of Health Leaders: Certificate of Achievement

2007: Restitution 1 Self – Discipline: Certificate of Achievement, North Dakota State University

1998: Level 111: Holistic Nursing Speciality Course: Certification of Completion. Taught Colour Therapy to students in levels 1. 11, and 111 of the Holistic Nursing Speciality Course

1995 to present: Developed and Taught Level 1, 11, & 111 of Therapeutic Touch to Saskpolytech, Sask; Regina, Sask; Holistic Nursing speciality Course, Saskatoon Queen’s House, Saskatchewan communities, families and individuals


Therapeutic services:

o Individual psychotherapy/counselling, not ongoing therapy
o Couple/Relationship therapy
o Focusing-Oriented Coaching
o Conflict Mediation
o Online/Skype sessions
o Telephone sessions
o Group or family therapy

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

o Trauma, Dreamwork


I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public),I offer individual sessions for people to learn Focusing (open to the public),I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)

Details of these and any other services:



Recent Publications (5 years or less):

marie sherry McDonald
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of St. Stephen’s College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Edmonton, AB 2012