Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator, Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist, Certified Focusing Trainer

Personal Statement

How do people feel better, and have a better life? There’s no one easy answer. We have a sense there’s something missing; we have a sense that we don’t know ourselves, or feel ourselves; that there’s a more ideal, more fulfilled version of ourselves that we could be if only we could get out of our own way.

Meanwhile we may feel trapped in the circumstances of our lives, in a job we don’t like or in a relationship that’s not bringing us happiness, and changing is difficult and may even feel impossible. How then do we live? How do we progress, other than just let life carry us along? Can we be more aligned with ourselves, more alive, more the agents of our lives?

I’m an experiential Focusing-oriented psychotherapist and marital therapist. I trained with Ann Weiser Cornell in Inner Relationship Focusing in the early 1990s, becoming a Certified Focusing trainer in 1996. I’m also certified in Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and have training in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, better known as AEDP, developed by Diana Fosha.

I’m also an expert in adult ADHD, especially what I like to call “hidden” ADHD, the kind that wasn’t severe enough to be diagnosed and treated in childhood even though it existed and was having an impact. ADHD is neither an emotional nor a cognitive disorder; it is a processing disorder, a subtle malfunction in the way one processes and responds to experience that has profound effects on just about everything in life. It has to be understood for what it is, because no amount of therapy or Focusing makes it go away. As someone who discovered he had it at the age of 40, I understand it from the inside out.

I’m also a writer. I’m the co-author, with my wife, psychologist Dr. Helene Brenner, of the book “I Know I’m in There Somewhere: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Her Inner Voice and Living a Life of Authenticity (Penguin USA, 2003). Our latest project together is the blog and accompanying YouTube channel, “The Art of Feeling: How to Be More Emotionally Connected in a Disconnected World.”

For those who’ve learned Focusing, especially Inner Relationship Focusing, I can offer “pure” Focusing-guided therapy. I love Focusing and believe in its power to get below the level of words to reach surprising inner truths that lead to deeply felt personal transformations. But for the most part I bring all my skills and life experience to bear in helping my clients find their next steps forward.

For people who want to live more authentically; more connected to their bodies and true selves and more deeply and lovingly connected to the people who matter to them; who want to discover what is going on inside them below their thoughts and even below their surface emotions; and who are willing to do the work to become more of who they truly believe they are and can be, I offer decades of training and experience in experiential yet pragmatic therapy — and even longer experience in the matters of life and love. I also offer my passionate and compassionate encouragement and engagement in your growth.


Office 1: Maryland

Office 2: Teletherapy

Public Contact Details:


Languages: English

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

International Centre for Excellence in Emotion-Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
The International Focusing Institute

Academic and training qualifications:

I am a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW-C) in the state of Maryland. I hold a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland.

Therapeutic services:

Individual psychotherapy/counselling, Couple/Relationship therapy, Focusing-Oriented Coaching, Online/Skype sessions

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

Individual and marital therapy for people affected by adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


o I offer individual sessions for people to learn Focusing (open to the public),I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals),I offer training for organizations and teams

Recent Publications (5 years or less):

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