NEW PODCAST & VIDEOS: The Living Process with Dr. Greg Madison
Dr. Greg Madison, PhD. has launched a new Video and Podcast channel, called The Living Process. Greg Madison, PhD. is…
Dr. Greg Madison, PhD. has launched a new Video and Podcast channel, called The Living Process. Greg Madison, PhD. is…
BIG NEWS! A new YouTube channel called “Focusing Oriented Therapies” is now being launched. (FocusingOrientedTherapies). The channel will host a…
Have you hit a dead end in talk therapy? Discover an embodied, transformative, research-based tool. ⇓ ✱ A somatically-based, relational,…
Have you hit a dead end in talk therapy? Discover an embodied, transformative, research-based tool. ⇓ Focusing is a natural ability…
Leslie Ellis, Serge Prengel, and Jan Winhall are offering an online 2-year FOT training program. This training program puts Focusing-oriented…
Please join us for our last London training weekend for 2018. This will be our final Introductory overview before opening…
This is a tribute to 'Gene' by Greg Madison, published in Journal of Existential Analysis Remembering Gene Gendlin
Eugene T. Gendlin, the American philosopher and psychologist who developed the mind-body connection practice called “Focusing,” died on May 1…
Opportunities to participate in an Introduction to Focusing and "Experiential-Existential" Therapy: Introduction to Focusing and Experiential-Existential Therapy. Highgate, London, March…